Title: Best Karate Series: 1. Comprehensive
ISBN: 0-87011-317-8
(further information)
Author: Masatoshi Nakayama
Publisher: Kodansha International
Distributor: Harper & Row
Comment: Currently the key Shotokan karate-do technical
reference. The author was the Chief Instructor of the Japan Karate
Association, and was Gichin Funakoshi's successor as head of that
organization. Volumes 1 - 4 cover basics, volumes 5 - 6 kata, and
volumes 9 - 11 advanced kata. Volume 5 ("Heian, Tekki") contains all
kata below brown belt level.
Title: Best Karate Series: 2. Fundamentals
ISBN: 0-87011-324-0
(further information)
Title: Best Karate Series: 3. Kumite I
ISBN: 0-87011-332-1
(further information)
Title: Best Karate Series: 4. Kumite II
ISBN: 0-87011-359-3
(further information)
Title: Best Karate Series: 5. Heian, Tekki
ISBN: 0-87011-379-8
(further information)
Title: Best Karate Series: 6. Bassai, Kanku Dai
ISBN: 0-87011-383-6
(further information)
Title: Best Karate Series: 7: Jitte, Hangetsu, Empi
ISBN: 0-87011-390-9
(further information)
Title: Best Karate Series: 8: Gankaku, Jion
ISBN: 0-87011-402-6
(further information)
Title: Best Karate Series: 9: Bassai Sho, Kanku Sho, Chinte
ISBN: 0-87011-680-0
(further information)
Title: Best Karate Series: 10: Unsu, Sochin, Nijushiho
ISBN: 0-87011-734-3
(further information)
Title: Best Karate Series: 11: Gojushijo Dai, Gojushiho Sho, Meikyo
ISBN: 0-87011-758-0
(further information)
Title: Dynamic Karate
ISBN: 0-87011-788-2 (paperback)
(further information)
Author: Masatoshi Nakayama
Publisher: Kodansha International
Distributor: Harper & Row
Comment: An earlier technical reference supplanted by the author's
"Best Karate" series. Kata were covered in "Karate Kata" series.
Title: Dynamic Karate
ISBN: 0-87011-037-3 (hardcover)
(further information)
Title: Karate-do My Way of Life
ISBN: 0-87011-463-8 (paperback)
(further information)
Author: Gichin Funakoshi
Publisher: Kodansha International
Distributor: Harper & Row
Comment: The autobiography of the founder of Shotokan karate-do.
Title: Karate-do My Way of Life
ISBN: 0-87011-241-4 (hardcover)
(further information)
Title: Karate-do Kyohan
ISBN: 0-87011-190-6 (hardcover)
(further information)
Author: Gichin Funakoshi
Publisher: Kodansha International
Distributor: Harper & Row
Comment: The original master text for Shotokan karate-do by Gichin
Title: Karate-do Nyumon
ISBN: 4-77001-891-6 (paperback)
(further information)
Author: Gichin Funakoshi
Publisher: Kodansha International
Distributor: Harper & Row
Comment: Articles on various aspects of karate by Gichin
Title: Karate-do Nyumon
ISBN: 0-87011-819-6 (hardcover)
(further information)
Title: Shotokan Advanced Kata Volume 1 (Bassai-Dai, Kanku-Dai, Jion, Empi, Hangetsu)
ISBN: 0-946062-03-X
(further information)
Author: Keinosuke Enoeda
Publisher: Dragon Books
Comment: By the former All-Japan Champion. Volume 2 includes Jiin,
which is not covered in the "Best Karate" series at this time.
Title: Shotokan Advanced Kata Volume 2 (Bassai-Sho, Kanku-Sho, Jiin, Gankaku, Sochin)
ISBN: 0-946062-04-8
(further information)
Title: Shotokan Advanced Kata Volume 3 (Tekki-Nidan, Tekki-Sandan (2 versions), Nijushiho, Gojushiho-Dai, Gojushiho-Sho)
ISBN: 0-946062-05-6
(further information)
Title: Karate the Art of "Empty Hand" Fighting
ISBN: 0-8048-1668-9
(further information)
Author: Hidetaka Nishiyama and Richard C. Brown
Publisher: Charles E. Tuttle Company
Comment: Hidetaka Nishiyama is the Chief of the Instruction
Committee of the Japan Karate Association. Comprehensive except for
Title: Stretching
ISBN: 0-394-73874-8 (Random House)
(further information)
Author: Bob Anderson
Publisher: Shelter Publications
Distributor: Random House
Comment: First widely distributed book on stretching.
Includes a routine for martial arts.
Title: Three Budo Masters
ISBN: 4-7700-1852-5
(further information)
Author: John Stevens
Publisher: Kodansha International
Comment: Biographys of Jigoro Kano (Judo), Gichin Funakoshi
(Karate) and Morihei Ueshiba (Aikido). Interesting comparison of these
Title: Practical Karate: Book 1 Fundamentals
ISBN: 0-8048-0481-8
(further information)
Author: Masatoshi Nakayama, Donn F. Draeger
Publisher: Charles E. Tuttle Company
Comment: Self defense applications of karate by the Chief
Chief Instructor of the Japan Karate Association and a well known
martial arts practitioner. Originally published in the 1960s, this may
be rereleased.
Title: Practical Karate: Book II Against The Unarmed Assailant
ISBN: 0-8048-0482-6
(further information)
Title: Practical Karate: Book III Against Multiple Unarmed Assailants
ISBN: 0-8048-0483-4
(further information)
Title: Practical Karate: Book IV Against Armed Assailants
ISBN: 0-8048-0484-2
(further information)
Title: Practical Karate: Book V For Women
ISBN: 0-8048-0485-0
(further information)
Title: Practical Karate: Book VI In Special Situations
ISBN: 0-8048-0486-9
(further information)
Title: Karate Kata: Heian 1, Tekki 1
ISBN: 0-87011-105-1
(further information)
Author: Masatoshi Nakayama
Publisher: Kodansha International
Distributor: Harper & Row
Comment: An earlier technical reference supplanted by the author's
"Best Karate" series. Basics were covered in "Dynamic Karate".
Although supplanted, contains much more detailed look at basic kata. I
believe this title is currently out of print (but check around).
Title: Karate Kata: Heian 2, Heian 3
ISBN: 0-87011-129-9
(further information)
Title: Karate Kata: Heian 4
ISBN: 0-87011-097-7
(further information)
Title: Karate Kata: Heian 5
ISBN: 0-87011-078-0
(further information)
Title: Karate Kata: Tekki 2, Tekki 3
ISBN: 0-87011-144-2
(further information)